type thursday: lettering with ink

Hello. I've been M.I.A. for quite some time. I'm trying to blog as often as I can though.

In this post I'm going to showcase some of my recent lettering works. I learned lettering with ink through a friend, she has been doing it for a year or so. I started with a normal art brush, pure ink and Concorde paper. I used Lyra art brush in No. 0 and No. 4. Cheap and no fuss.

The thing about this method though, you have to frequently pick up the ink with the brush to continue working on the lettering, resulting in uneven strokes and pressure.  

Ugly? Yes. For sure. I didn't like how it turned out. However, it got better once I get the hang of how I wanted each letter to look like. 

I managed to write every day of the week cohesively. Phew. I tried using another kind brush: Koi Water Brush. Mine is 9ml barrel with medium brush head. This has worked perfectly for me. Mixing the ink with water made it glide smoother too. It's just easier and you have more control over the brush.

I've posted some of my works on instagram, however I am going to showcase the raw works here. I used Photoshop CC to edit the lettering photos. I snapped them with my phone and transferred them to my laptop to edit the levels.

I hope you enjoy this post. I'll do more of these for sure.

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